Pluripotency Check PCR Kit

Pluripotency Check PCR Kit

Brand: Takara Bio.
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Pluripotency Check PCR Kit
Grouped product items
Product Name Size
Pluripotency Check PCR Kit
SKU: 631965
1 Kit
Pluripotency Check PCR Primer Set
SKU: 631966
16 x 25 Rxns
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Pluripotency Check PCR Kit
Pluripotency Check PCR Kit

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The Pluripotency Check PCR Kit contains all the necessary reagents to confirm that your mouse embryonic stem (ES) or induced pluripotent (iPS) cells are indeed pluripotent. It includes 16 prevalidated forward and reverse primer mixes, based on nine genes expressed in pluripotent stem cells and two control genes. The different amplicon sizes allow you to distinguish between endogenous and exogenous expression. The kit includes everything for start-to-finish confirmation of your cells’ pluripotency status, using any combination of primer sets, or the entire panel.


  • Validate the pluripotent status of your ES or iPS cell culture using a simple PCR kit
  • 16 prevalidated PCR primer mixes
  • Complete kit with RNA extraction, reverse transcription, and PCR reagents
  • Confirm your iPS cells by differentiating between endogenous and exogenous gene expression


  • Validating mouse embryonic stem cell status
  • Confirming iPS status

Confirming the pluripotent status of an mES culture

Confirming the pluripotent status of an  mES culture

Confirming the pluripotent status of an mES culture. Total RNA was extracted from ES-E14TG2a mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells, followed by cDNA synthesis and amplification according to the protocol outlined in PT5086-2. M: 100 bp DNA Marker. Lane1, Total Oct3/4. Lane 2: Endogenous Oct3/4. Lane 3: Total Nanog. Lane 4: Endogenous Nanog. Lane 5: Total c-Myc. Lane 6: Endogenous c-Myc. Lane 7: Total Sox2. Lane 8: Endogenous Sox2. Lane 9: Total Klf4. Lane 10: Ecat1. Lane 11: ERas. Lane 12: Esg1. Lane 13: Rex1. Lane 14: GAPDH (control). Lane 15: Beta-Actin (control). Endogenous Klf4, data not shown.

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The Pluripotency Check PCR Kit contains all the necessary reagents to confirm that your mouse embryonic stem (ES) or induced pluripotent (iPS) cells are indeed pluripotent. It includes 16 prevalidated forward and reverse primer mixes, based on nine genes expressed in pluripotent stem cells and two control genes. The different amplicon sizes allow you to distinguish between endogenous and exogenous expression. The kit includes everything for start-to-finish confirmation of your cells’ pluripotency status, using any combination of primer sets, or the entire panel.


  • Validate the pluripotent status of your ES or iPS cell culture using a simple PCR kit
  • 16 prevalidated PCR primer mixes
  • Complete kit with RNA extraction, reverse transcription, and PCR reagents
  • Confirm your iPS cells by differentiating between endogenous and exogenous gene expression


  • Validating mouse embryonic stem cell status
  • Confirming iPS status

Confirming the pluripotent status of an mES culture

Confirming the pluripotent status of an  mES culture

Confirming the pluripotent status of an mES culture. Total RNA was extracted from ES-E14TG2a mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells, followed by cDNA synthesis and amplification according to the protocol outlined in PT5086-2. M: 100 bp DNA Marker. Lane1, Total Oct3/4. Lane 2: Endogenous Oct3/4. Lane 3: Total Nanog. Lane 4: Endogenous Nanog. Lane 5: Total c-Myc. Lane 6: Endogenous c-Myc. Lane 7: Total Sox2. Lane 8: Endogenous Sox2. Lane 9: Total Klf4. Lane 10: Ecat1. Lane 11: ERas. Lane 12: Esg1. Lane 13: Rex1. Lane 14: GAPDH (control). Lane 15: Beta-Actin (control). Endogenous Klf4, data not shown.

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