Viral RNA / DNA from Serum and Plasma
- NucleoSpin Virus
Purification of human or animal viral RNA and DNA from serum, plasma, swab and tissues homegenates
- NucleoSpin RNA Virus
Isolation of viral RNA from serum, plasma or cell-free biological fluids
- NucleoSpin RNA Virus Midi
For highly sensitive isolation of viral RNA from up to 1 mL of cell-free biological fluids
- NucleoSpin Dx Virus
Certified purification of high quality nucleic acids. Compatible with fresh or frozen serum and plasma treated with EDTA or citrate
- NucleoSpin 8 / 96 Virus Kits and Core Kits
Isolation of viral RNA and DNA from cell-free biological fluids in either an 8-well strip or 96-well format
- NucleoMag Virus
Magnetic bead based isolation of viral RNA and DNA from cell-free biological fluids. Adaptable to automation systems