DD Monoclonal Antibody

DD Monoclonal Antibody

Brand: Takara Bio.
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DD Monoclonal Antibody
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DD Monoclonal Antibody
SKU: 631073
50 uL
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DD Monoclonal Antibody
DD Monoclonal Antibody

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The ProteoTuner DD Monoclonal Antibody recognizes the DD-N and DD-C domains, which have been optimized for use as N- and C-terminal fusion tags respectively.


  • Mouse monoclonal antibody
  • Applicable to ProteoTuner shield systems (both and N and C versions)
  • For Western blotting, use a 1:500 dilution
  • For immunocytochemistry, use a 1:50 dilution

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody. Cell lysates from HeLa cells transiently expressing either DD-AcGFP1 or AcGFP1-DD and HEK 293 cells stably expressing DD-AcGFP1 were analyzed by Western blot using the DD Monoclonal Antibody at a 1:500 dilution. Lane 1: HeLa cells transfected with pDD-AcGFP1 (e.g., DD-N). Lane 2: Negative control (untransfected HeLa cells). Lane 3: HeLa cells transfected with pAcGFP1-DD (e.g., DD-C). Lane 4: Negative control (untransfected HEK 293 cells). Lane 5: HEK 293 cells stably expressing DD-AcGFP1.

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The ProteoTuner DD Monoclonal Antibody recognizes the DD-N and DD-C domains, which have been optimized for use as N- and C-terminal fusion tags respectively.


  • Mouse monoclonal antibody
  • Applicable to ProteoTuner shield systems (both and N and C versions)
  • For Western blotting, use a 1:500 dilution
  • For immunocytochemistry, use a 1:50 dilution

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody

Easily detect ProteoTuner shield system DD fusions with the DD Monoclonal Antibody. Cell lysates from HeLa cells transiently expressing either DD-AcGFP1 or AcGFP1-DD and HEK 293 cells stably expressing DD-AcGFP1 were analyzed by Western blot using the DD Monoclonal Antibody at a 1:500 dilution. Lane 1: HeLa cells transfected with pDD-AcGFP1 (e.g., DD-N). Lane 2: Negative control (untransfected HeLa cells). Lane 3: HeLa cells transfected with pAcGFP1-DD (e.g., DD-C). Lane 4: Negative control (untransfected HEK 293 cells). Lane 5: HEK 293 cells stably expressing DD-AcGFP1.

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