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  1. Safe sampling for veterinary diagnostics - NEW! NucleoProtect® VET
    Convenient sampling, inactivation of infectious viruses, storage, and shipment, all made easy with the NucleoProtect VET stabilization and inactivation solution....Read More
  2. Product Notification: TransIT-VirusGEN Transfection Reagent Functional Test Change
    Here is an update on product performance for Trans-IT VirusGEN...Read More
  3. Rapid, pure and concentrated purification of extracellular vesicles from biofluids
    Capturem Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Kit provides rapid and simple isolation of EVs from various biofluids. Obtain pure, concentrated EV samples with enough yield for subsequent downstream analyse...Read More
  4. 4 Factors to consider for immune repetoire profiling
    Why do immune repertoire sequencing? How are immune repertoires analysed? What factors should I consider when choosing an immune repertoire sequencing approach? Learn more about immune profiling....Read More
  5. Simple and reliable library prep workflow: one tube and done
    Simple, addition-only library prep provides seamless, easy experience and reproducible data. cDNA generation solutions for either cells or bulk RNA. Flexible cDNA input. High library yields. UDIs avai...Read More
  6. ICELL8 technology keeps cardiovascular research pumping
    The size and irregular shape of cardiomyocytes makes isolation a challenge, especially when HTP is desired. ICELL8 System's unique large-bore nanodispenser handles large cell types successfully and pr...Read More
  7. Scientifix can support your COVID-19 research
    We partner with world-class suppliers who are actively supporting COVID-19 researchers around the world with their varoius products. We have prepared a comprehensive guide of our related products, com...Read More
  8. Understanding viral titration—behind the science
    Here's a crash course on lentiviral titration to get your experiments started on the right foot. From lentiviral production basics, to titration and assaying. ...Read More
  9. Combining droplet and full-length sequencing for a complete picture
    Droplet-based methods alone are not enought to fully understand a rich single-cell datasets. But combined with SMART-Seq full-length and spatial scRNA-seq, and you get a well-rounded, comprehensive ap...Read More